Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Being a Manager in a Factory

*What was the difference between day one of the factory than day two?
I know that I was the only person who was manager but, my job is to discuss the difference between day 1 and day 2. I think a major difference with me was that I was able to experience what it was like to be a manager in a factory. I thought it was really stressful. For one thing, if our class didn't win, it would be a little bit of points deducted from my grade in Humanities but, it was stressful because I am supposed to keep them going but, at the same time I am supposed to support them, make them feel good. I had to keep yelling out times and I was running all around driving myself crazy and dizzy. I think that was the biggest difference for me. And then another difference would be that we are not just making one toy in 40 minutes but making a TON of toys in 1 hour. So that was a pretty difficult thing. Putting everything together, coloring it, and in all trying to get them all to look like the original. I know that a lot of people think that being manager means that you can just slack off and boss people around. BUT it is so much harder. You have all this weight put on your shoulders. You have to keep them going otherwise it's your head on the chopping board.