Monday, August 13, 2007

First Week of School

*What were two highlights from the first week of school?
- One highlight from the first week of school was that on the first day I was able to try out each class so I knew if I wanted to be in that particular class or if I wanted to be in that level of the class.
- Another highlight was that I was near my friends this year in the locker situation. Last year I was downstairs but nobody was down there with me but, this year, since the eighth graders are in a particular place , we were all put together in the locker area. Not to mention the fact that this year I am at a middle locker. Last year I was shorter than I am now and I had a top locker.
*What was your first impression of Humanities?
- I thought that I was going to have a lot of fun this year. When I walked into the room I just felt this funky, free vibe and when I saw our teacher in the class, he was friendly and started out the year with something fun to do. Such as, reading the Outsiders as our first book. Though I do think that our teacher will be pushing us hard to get good results. I know he is enthusiastic about how you do your writings or assignments. It's not exactly a bad thing to be pushed hard, as long as we are not pushed to hard.
*What are two goals you have for this quarter in Humanities? (Remember a goal needs to be specific, realistic, and measurable)
-I hope that this quarter I can get off to a good start. I don't want to start off slacking or getting behind. I think that is a reasonable goal for this quarter because starting off badly can get you behind for maybe even a semester and then it might be a little late to start catching up on whole year of eighth grade in one semester.
-Another goal I would like to set is to get SO much better at poetry. I will tell you right now I am not the best person to ask about how you do something in poetry. So I have to learn the different types of poetry. But of course I can not remember all.