Sunday, September 16, 2007

The 1870's Stock Market Game

*Last week you took part in the 1870’s Stock Market Simulation, based on your experience during the simulation were you a successful entrepreneur? Why or why not? What strategies did you use?

-When we played the 1870's stock market game, I was a successful entrepreneur. I was successful because in the beginning of the game, I had 80 dollars and after the game I had 129 dollars. That means I was successful because i came out with more money that when I started with. I made a profit of 49 dollars.

-I used the strategy of "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
This strategy helped me the most through the game because by expanding the amount of shares I had and where I had them, I was able to make a greater profit. If I had put all my money in one or two companies, I probably would've ended up with negative amount of dollars, having to owe money. And the second most helpful strategy for me was to buy low and sell high. This let me save money and gain more at the same time.