Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hotel Rwanda

“… The United States has been a driving force in the provision of humanitarian assistance, in condemning the violence and in trying to organize a U.N. mission designed not simply to promise, but to deliver what it promises. Sending a U.N. force into the maelstrom in Rwanda without a sound plan of operations would be folly … Emotions can produce wonderful speeches and stirring news editorials. But emotions alone cannot produce policies that will achieve what they promise. If we do not keep commitments in line with capabilities, we will only further undermine U.N. credibility and support. The actions authorized last night will help. They may save lives. But ultimately, the future of Rwanda is in Rwandan hands.”
Anthony Lake, American National Security Advisor during a press briefing on May 25, 1994

Frontline - Another example. Over 2,000 Tutsi refugees took shelter at a United Nations troops compound guarded by Belgian soldiers who then abandoned them, went to the airport, left them to die. How do you feel about that?
Riza - “Just as anyone who had any responsibility for this would feel. Terrible, sad, but I was not on the ground, I don’t know what the circumstances were. Maybe those Belgian soldiers also realized that resistance was futile. It’s quite possible. Maybe you feel that they should have gone down firing and been killed. Well, I do not know whether their commander gave them the order to withdraw, or whether they themselves decided. They certainly didn’t telephone New York.”
Iqbal Riza quoted in a PBS Frontline interview. During the events in Rwanda, he was deputy head of U.N. peacekeeping.

“This was not the first time, nor would it be the last, that General Dallaire (the Canadian in command of the UN forces in Rwanda) would learn that Kigali–designated a “weapons-free zone” in the Arusha Accords–was a Hutu Power arms bazaar. It was hardly a secret: grenades and Kalashnikov assault rifles were openly displayed and affordably priced in the central city market; planes carrying French, or French-sponsored, arms shipments kept arriving; the government was importing machetes from China in numbers that far exceeded the demand for agricultural use, and many of these weapons were being handed around free to people with no known military function–idle young men in zany interahamwe ( A Hutu Power group) getups, housewives, office workers–at a time when Rwanda was officially at peace for the first time in three years.”
Excerpted from Chapter 8 of Philip Gourevitch’s book, We Wish To Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families.

According to the sources and the film, how did individuals, groups of people and the world community fail the people of Rwanda?

  • First off, the whte people left when the Rwandan people needed them most. Rwandan people were left to take care of their own problems. They were deep underwater.
  • Secondly, the Hutu people failed Rwanda by killing just about anybody. They didn't kill the supporters of their own kind, the people that went with them, but they did kill the Hutu refugees as well as the Tutsi refugees.
  • Thirdly, General Bizimungu was close to not helping just because Paul wasn't able to give anything in return. The General was being really SELFISH and would oly help on account of receiving something in return.
  • Fourthly, Gregoir was a traitor when he told the Hutus(that were killing everybody) about Paul and that the U.N. was trying to get people out in trucks.
  • And finally, when the refugees were calling people to sign for them to get out of the country, only about 1/4th of the people replied/helped the people get out.

Monday, December 3, 2007

African Footprint Reflection

  1. What are the main visual elements?
  2. What issue is this political cartoon about?
  3. What is the cartoonist’s position on this issue?
  4. What evidence in the cartoon supports your opinion regarding the cartoonist’s position?
  5. What other techniques could the cartoonist have used to make this cartoon more persuasive?
  • The main visual elements in this picture is, of course, the footprint on Africa and the propaganda colors.
  • That people are just taking over Africa without realizing what they are f=doing to Africa. The people, the land and the culture. They just think that people can take over Africa and not care. They just want to leave their mark.
  • The cartoonist's position on this issue would be negative against the people that have and are presently taking over Africa. This person does not like the fact that people are taking advantage of Africa. But the cartoonist could also think that it is OK to take over Africa by putting his own footprint on Africa.
  • Well, the negative part of the cartoonist's position would be just mainly because he posted this on the world wide web to spread that it's not good to do this kind of stuff to people and land. But the positive evidence would be that he's saying he has left his mark, and then once again, he put in on the world wide web and thought " OK, this is cool, why don't I spread the news that people can take over Africa."
  • The cartoonist could have given more backup on what they think about this subject because there are two sides to this confrontation. Like saying on the footprint... NO. Just plainly on the footprint, he/she could've written that.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Scramble of Africa

Getting the land that you want in Africa.

  • The strategy that I used was that I would put, little by little, green marks (for Portugal) so I could get the areas that I needed in a quick amount of time. I wanted to spread it out, even if it meant I only got to color in 8 squares at a time.
  • I knew that atleast one other team would want the same land that I wanted, so I had to act fast and atleast get a little of what I needed. And I also knew that the countries that had more rolls to use would quickly spread all about.
  • I think that Great Britain won, not because they had the most land, but because they got a lot of land on coasts. Coasts have the most resources.
  • I think that the Netherlands lost, once again, not because they had the least amount of land, but because they were very near inwards of Africa, so you can't get much there.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Feedback on MR. HELP

The five themes of geography are...

  • Movement- ideas, people and transportation.
  • Region- a group of locations that have something in common.
  • HE human environmental interaction- the effect that people have on the environment and vice versa
  • Location- the latitude and longitude, the country you're in, the city...
  • Place- the things that make that place unique/special.
The five themes of Geography in THE OTHER SIDE OF TRUTH are...
  • Movement- Sade and Femi move from Nigeria to London and Mariam from Somalia to London. pg. 19.
  • Region-
  • HE human environmental interaction- airplanes that Sade, Femi, etc use to get from Nigeria to London have a negative effect on the environment. And other transportation. pg. 43
  • Location- Lagos, Nigeria and London, England. pg. 61 and pg. 40
  • Place- fish and chips pg. 193

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Feedback on the Cartoon

The main visual elements of the cartoon are the ten legs sticking in every which-way direction. Another main visual element would be the sign of England on the person's neck. And don't forget that he's also holding names of countries.
The issue that this cartoon is about is England taking over other countries (Imperialism). They have their hands on the countries and will be able to do what they want with the countries since they are in control.
The cartoonist could be thinking that England has too much power over too many countries. Maybe he's saying that people need to take a stand and help their country. And possibly saying that, since he drew a somewhat of a smile on the person's face, that England is wanting to get as many countries as it can in their hands. They're planning to do whatever it takes to get there.
I feel that this is what the author thinks because there is a smile on the person's face, the person needs more hands to put on countries because he's using the tentacles by his face; he's trying to take over more countries, and that it looks like he has a long way to go to get all the countries where he wants them so people still have time to take a stand.
The cartoonist could have drawn more tentacles flying in the air and the person's face looking for another country to grab. The cartoonist also could have drawn a thought or speech bubble to indicate what the thoughts of England are.
Finally I will use C.R.A.P. The cartoon has pretty good contrast overall between the red and green but more bright colors really have done wonders for it. Of course you can see that there is repetition between the number of legs and the countries. if you cut the picture down the middle both ways, the alignment is well done. An eye on each side and the head above the line. Lastly, proximity. All the countries are well done, drawn in a circle around the person as the base. However, the countries that are next to each other are not next to each other in the cartoon.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Leaders are (in my mind) people that are confident, understanding, they listen to the other people, they want to help as much as they can and they can relate to what the people are saying and they RESPECT. I would say that a leader that is not in our school would be someone like people's parents. They're able to listen to your problems and help you out and they will be there as much as they can for you and try to help solve your problem.

As to the people in our eighth grade, I think that the people who are leaders are people like Kiara, and partly myself. I think that because we do like to help people and we can be understanding when someone isn't well mentally or physically. We like to listen to the people that need listening. For example, when we had SAISA Swimming, we helped a girl named Baseye get over her fear of racing and she got first place and we congratulated her. But we were able to understand what was going on with her and then relate. During WOW, Kiara and I were able to guide the people through the string net thing and we were able to have people trust us. And we successfully got almost everybody through. And all my teachers last year told my parents (during parent - teacher conferences) that I was a born leader. So I think that being a leader means having people have confidence in you and you having confidence in yourself.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Parent Teacher Conferences

I am proud of how well I do projects. For example, with my Outsiders Final Project, I received an A- and for my IR museum display, I received an A. I think that is really good considering that I thought that atleast one of those projects were hard to do. I think that the reason that I did so well was because I really did try. I knew that they were big grades and I knew that I could do well on it and since I thought that way, I achieved. I am also proud of my descriptive writing pieces. For example, my Interview with Susan B. Anthony. I am really proud of that particular piece because I chose to do the harder version, the embedded version. It wasn't just a simple question-answer interview, it was hiding the questions in there. And I also did some more research and I put in some real quotes that Susan B. Anthony herself said. So I really do put in a lot of effort to what I do and I am proud of that just in general.

However, what I thought challenging was to keep up my stocks and to try to get in the lead. I do really enjoy having Stocksquest, but I do find it challenging sometimes. I think that it is hard to keep it up and to make sure that you haven't gone bankrupt and to make sure that your keeping the right stocks and selling the right stocks. I think that was the most challenging assignment of this quarter. But I have started to get the hang of it and I am doing better.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Why We Should Keep WOW

We should keep WOW for many reasons:

My first reason is that we can learn a lot from where we go and what we do. For example, when we went hiking up in the mountains on the first day, we were able to see how other people lived. Me and my friends (Kiara and Rebecca) , we were thinking how good we have it and comparing what it must be to live up there than in our houses. The only things that they really eat is what they grow on their own land. It shows that we can compare and contrast not only in classrooms, but in real life situations. WOW is important because it does help us grow as people and we learn that not everything is going to be perfect in homes. And nobody is able to have the same life.

The second reason that WOW should stay is because we learn how to live together as a team. if we have to live in the same tents and in the same camps with people that you sometimes that you don't like, that may be useful later on in life. For example, if your boss in your job tells you that you have to do a paper (or whatever you have to do) with someone that you absolutely despise, having this characteristic will help you get through that and you will know how to handle it. For example, I was in a camp with a few people that I thought were immature and I thought that I could just avoid them, but then as we started to do more and more activities together, I was getting really annoyed. I just told myself that I should find a way to handle this situation better and that I should learn to live with it. So as the time went on, I just ignored parts of what they did and I only looked at the bright side of things. So that characteristic is a key and I know that we can work on it in groups but different settings is another thing. You have to be able to work anytime, anywhere. Whether it's out on a nice, relaxing river or in a hot desert in Rajasthan, you have to be able to work there.

My final reason is that we will appreciate what happens there. It may not be right then and there, but later on, you will appreciate it and say that you were actually able to experience something that good. You will appreciate nature and probably even more obvious is that we will miss our homes and the people we love. That can even help our home life. Such as, when I got home, I was so happy, I appreciated that I was home, I was with my dad and that I was back to what I was used to. However, at the same time, I appreciated the beautiful surroundings that were all around me and that I actually existed in that spot at one point and time.

However, don't forget that making friends and being better friends was a key. That really helped people along with what they were doing and you got more support from your peers.

So all-in-all, having WOW really helps people grow and even become more mature.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Goals for the Second Quarter

One of my goals that I would like to achieve is to learn more about Imperialism. Honestly i don't really know the definition of imperialism, so that will be a huge step, but understanding what happened throughout those months or years. That I will be able to answer any question that is being thrown at me.

Another goal would be to be READING MORE!!!!! I need to read more independently and not because I have to do it for AR. I mean, I do have to have a lot of points for AR and I need to since it is a part of my grade, but I would like to be reading more often since it is good for you and it helps you think deeper(atleast that's what I've heard). And I need to find more interesting books to read.

My final goal would be to learn how to do a proper research paper. I know how to do one, but since I know that we will be doing our first, major research paper, I know that I can learn more about how to do it and, well, the proper way for a proper MLA format citing.

Summary of my Quarter 1 Goals

I had just a two goals to achieve this quarter but I think that I have achieved both of them.

One of them was to get off to a good start without being behind on anything.
That goal was definetley achieved because I was listening a lot in class so I knew what was happening and if there was any additional information that I needed to know that wasn't posted on the board for homework. And interms of this blog that I am supposed to keep up, I have done a good jpb of that becuase I used a checklist to make sure that everything was there and included everything that needed to be there. I was definetley caught up in everything I did and I know that I have achieved this goal very well.

My second goal was to get better at poetry but I did not achieve this particular goal because that wasn't one of our lessons in this quarter. I would have liked to get better at it, meaning writing it and being bale to understand the deeper meaning of it, but unfortunatley, I was not able to.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Women's Labor Rights and Suffrage (expository)

Women’s labor rights was the main subject on the minds of millions. People marched and fought and participated in conventions to gain women’s rights. Seeing as men already had their rights and were gaining more and more, it only seemed fair that women have their rights. However, it wasn’t fair that women had to fight for their rights, but many women say that if that is what it takes, they will fight.

Many women, such as, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia Bloomer and Inez Milholland and many more were the ones fighting for women’s rights. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped each other out and they became dear friends. Elizabeth Cady Stanton continued her journey for women’s rights after Anthony passed away. Amelia Bloomer was publishing her views on temperance and social issues in her own bi-weekly publication, The Lily. And finally, Inez Milholland led the women of different countries and some men through Pennsylvania Avenue on a march on March 3, 1913. Those who did not support this movement, were on the outlines of the parade trying to block them and trying to trip, shove and kick these people out of the march. However, the women and men kept going and a little more than half the people made it through.

As we see women’s rights today, we should thank those who gave them to us, who fought for them, who never gave up. These women, and many more, gave up most of their lives, and for Susan B. Anthony, her whole life in order to bring women justice.


Dear Diary,
After the Civil War the “Negro” foundation did not find it necessary to have the women vote. They didn’t give us the opportunity. I find this to be unfair and I plan on fighting and fighting. I will not give up. This event in this year has inspired me to help us women with whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. I will fight.


Dear Diary,
I am now the editor of The Revolution. As well as being that, I founded, along with my fellow leaders, The American Equal Rights Association. I am very proud that I have given people the chance and the opportunity to do what they deserve. Founding this organization has made me feel like I have accomplished something and I feel very supported by the fact that I have people standing next to me, fighting through this. My dear friend Elizabeth Cady Stanton has been fighting alongside me through this whole period of time.


Dear Diary,
Since I have been talking about women’s rights in this diary for almost five years, I believe that I should bring this talk to the next level. I think that abortion is a major topic that must be discussed. Abortion is unfair and unjust. Because the men do not want to have any children does not mean that we must give up our baby when a new life could be born. It is too unsafe, risking our health and life to get an abortion. I blame the men and laws. Why should we suffer, and the baby, if men don’t want them? Making us women do something when we cannot speak out is a disadvantage. We should, and I repeat, we should not be pushed around by men. We deserve our rights, we can do as much as men, if not greater things if we got our rights. I might use this diary entry as an argument to the public and government for my fight for women’s rights. If I write it down, I might as well speak it. This could possibly stop the killing of women with abortion and then I could save not one, but thousands of lives with this one argument.


Dear Diary,
I attempted to fight that the Constitution already said that women had the right to vote. So, Rochester, New York was where I decided to cast a test vote on the presidential election. However, I was found guilty, but I didn’t want to pay the fine. No-one could make me and no-one tried to make me. I will keep fighting and not give up until I have passed away, and by then I hope that women’s rights will be given to us, but not just that, equal rights.

The Interview of Susan B. Anthony

A folder in hand, Susan B. Anthony is ready to head out to make a public speech on labor rights.

“I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet,” started Susan B. Anthony. Anthony is a woman who believes that everyone deserves an equal opportunity at every little thing that can be accomplished. Women should not be treated any differently than men just because they think that father’s or husbands can work the hardest and earn the most money. Anthony rebels that if women were given the chance of supporting a family, they would be able to make an equal profit.

As Anthony began reaching out to the people through speeches and meetings of labor rights, she discovered help through these particular gatherings. As she was traveling from meeting to meeting she ran into other members fighting to help out the slaves. She instantly became friends and they helped each other through it. Anthony continues, “There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.”

“Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, not the birthdays, the graduations, the weddings, not the great goals achieved. The real milestones are less prepossessing. They come through the door of memory,”sighs Anthony. Though everybody sees that Anthony has had a full experience in helping the slaves and laborers, she is not yet ready to let go. She needs to keep every memory that she has experienced in order to relive her life.

“Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother,”stated Anthony. As time progresses, so does the inventions and modernizations of the world. So when you think about it, she is giving us advice. Live in the moment; not the future, nor the past because everything modernizes and our economy grows rapidly. If you want the life your grandmother had: basically living in a factory and being abused by not having her rights, go right ahead. But living in the moment can only benefit you. If you do something horrible, living in the moment will erase that. You forget all about it and learn from that one horrible moment. You will have many mistakes, but putting that behind you and living in the moment can make a major difference.

Finally, Anthony would like to share with us: "I'd do it all again; the spirit is willing yet; I feel the same desire to do the work but the flesh is weak. It's too bad that our bodies wear out while our interests are just as strong as ever,” completes Anthony. She has spoken to hearts and saved lives. There is no wonder she cares to do it all over again. Feeling that burning passion to help people by doing one act of kindness at a time; eventually leading to a new life for many.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The March of Women's Suffrage Rights

Inez Milholland led the women of all different countries on a march on Monday, March 13, 1913 through Pennsylvania Avenue. Inez led these women in order to stand up and march towards a better life. Followin her were nine bands, four mounted brigades, three heralds and about twenty-four floats. Even "Pioneers" showed who were trying to raise women's rights for numerous decades.

There were sections of this parade, hoping that people would recognize who they were and what they had done. First were the women from different countries who enfranchised women. Next, were the "Pioneers" who had tried for so many years. Then there were the women who worked for their livings. They dressed in their apropriate clothing, trying to make people see who they were and what they had to do. After tht were the state delegates. And finally, the few men who supported women and their rights.

For the first couple of blocks, everything was running smoothly. However, when men that did not support this movement, including policemen showed up, they decided to block these streets in order to prevent the women from moving onwards. The women usually had to form single-file lines just to get by. Women were shoved, grabbed. tripped and jeered when the men came close enough. This was violent businees, but of course there are more than one side to this story. "When I saw rhose women just walking down the street, I was just thinking how ridiculous this was. I mean what will walking down a few blocks do for these women?" questioned a man on the outlines of the march. Another man added, "These women disgust me. men are more superior. We deserve all our rights that we have and women deserve nothing!" However Miss Inez Milholland, herself, rebelled, "Women are no less superior to men. We deserve to be able to vote. Men and women were created equally, not one sex better than the other." And a "pioneer" stated, "I have been fighting for women all my life and yet I could still not figure out how to make the government understand. Yet now, these women have come up with the most brilliant idea to make the government notice and that is what makes women deserve to have their rights."

Ambulances came and went for six hours, yet the wowmen pursued. Still, the marches made it through, all the way to the end. Women had been trying for so many years to gain their independence, and now as they came up with the march they were sure that it would succeed. Women and men from all different countries came to support the march for women's rights, and it all payed off. The leader of this mkarch, Inez Milholland, sighs a sigh of relief and adds one last thing, "I know that if I was able to gaion women's rihts, i have accomplished all that is needed in life."

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The 1870's Stock Market Game

*Last week you took part in the 1870’s Stock Market Simulation, based on your experience during the simulation were you a successful entrepreneur? Why or why not? What strategies did you use?

-When we played the 1870's stock market game, I was a successful entrepreneur. I was successful because in the beginning of the game, I had 80 dollars and after the game I had 129 dollars. That means I was successful because i came out with more money that when I started with. I made a profit of 49 dollars.

-I used the strategy of "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
This strategy helped me the most through the game because by expanding the amount of shares I had and where I had them, I was able to make a greater profit. If I had put all my money in one or two companies, I probably would've ended up with negative amount of dollars, having to owe money. And the second most helpful strategy for me was to buy low and sell high. This let me save money and gain more at the same time.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Diary of Susan B. Anthony


Dear Diary,
After the Civil War the “Negro” foundation did not find it necessary to have the women vote. They didn’t give us the opportunity. I find this to be unfair and I plan on fighting and fighting. I will not give up. This event in this year has inspired me to help us women with whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. I will fight.


Dear Diary,
I am now the editor of The Revolution. As well as being that, I founded, along with my fellow leaders, The American Equal Rights Association. I am very proud that I have given people the chance and the opportunity to do what they deserve. Founding this organization has made me feel like I have accomplished something and I feel very supported by the fact that I have people standing next to me, fighting through this. My dear friend Elizabeth Cady Stanton has been fighting alongside me through this whole period of time.


Dear Diary,
Since I have been talking about women’s rights in this diary for almost five years, I believe that I should bring this talk to the next level. I think that abortion is a major topic that must be discussed. Abortion is unfair and unjust. Because the men do not want to have any children does not mean that we must give up our baby when a new life could be born. It is too unsafe, risking our health and life to get an abortion. I blame the men and laws. Why should we suffer, and the baby, if men don’t want them? Making us women do something when we cannot speak out is a disadvantage. We should, and I repeat, we should not be pushed around by men. We deserve our rights, we can do as much as men, if not greater things if we got our rights. I might use this diary entry as an argument to the public and government for my fight for women’s rights. If I write it down, I might as well speak it. This could possibly stop the killing of women with abortion and then I could save not one, but thousands of lives with this one argument.


Dear Diary,
I attempted to fight that the Constitution already said that women had the right to vote. So, Rochester, New York was where I decided to cast a test vote on the presidential election. However, I was found guilty, but I didn’t want to pay the fine. No-one could make me and no-one tried to make me. I will keep fighting and not give up until I have passed away, and by then I hope that women’s rights will be given to us, but not just that, equal rights.

With help from...
Google Images

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Update on my Goals from the Beginning of the Year

I am updating my goals to see how well I have done over this first quarter.

-My first goal was to get off to a good start.
*I think that I have achieved that goal. I have not slacked off and I am updated on everything. I am totally up to date with my homework and classwork.

-My second goal was to get better at poetry.
*I have not achieved that goal because we haven't had a unit yet on poetry so it wasn't possible to achieve that goal.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Susan B. Anthony----- A Fight for Women's Labor Rights and Suffrage

A folder in hand, Susan B. Anthony is ready to head out to make a public speech on labor rights.

“I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet,” started Susan B. Anthony. Anthony is a woman who believes that everyone deserves an equal opportunity at every little thing that can be accomplished. Women should not be treated any differently than men just because they think that father’s or husbands can work the hardest and earn the most money. Anthony rebels that if women were given the chance of supporting a family, they would be able to make an equal profit.

As Anthony began reaching out to the people through speeches and meetings of labor rights, she discovered help through these particular gatherings. As she was traveling from meeting to meeting she ran into other members fighting to help out the slaves. She instantly became friends and they helped each other through it. Anthony continues, “There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.”

“Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, not the birthdays, the graduations, the weddings, not the great goals achieved. The real milestones are less prepossessing. They come through the door of memory,”sighs Anthony. Though everybody sees that Anthony has had a full experience in helping the slaves and laborers, she is not yet ready to let go. She needs to keep every memory that she has experienced in order to relive her life.

“Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother,”stated Anthony. As time progresses, so does the inventions and modernizations of the world. So when you think about it, she is giving us advice. Live in the moment; not the future, nor the past because everything modernizes and our economy grows rapidly. If you want the life your grandmother had: basically living in a factory and being abused by not having her rights, go right ahead. But living in the moment can only benefit you. If you do something horrible, living in the moment will erase that. You forget all about it and learn from that one horrible moment. You will have many mistakes, but putting that behind you and living in the moment can make a major difference.

Finally, Anthony would like to share with us: "I'd do it all again; the spirit is willing yet; I feel the same desire to do the work but the flesh is weak. It's too bad that our bodies wear out while our interests are just as strong as ever,” completes Anthony. She has spoken to hearts and saved lives. There is no wonder she cares to do it all over again. Feeling that burning passion to help people by doing one act of kindness at a time; eventually leading to a new life for many.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Positives and Negatives of the Industrial Revolution


  • The factory is a place where people can modernize and get used to the new goings-on of the world.
  • The factories are now modernizing the entire world.
  • The factories can make more of a product than people can make.
  • People lost weight because now they have to go to their works.
  • People made clocks, otherwise, of they didn't, we wouldn't be able to tell time that well besides the rising and falling of the sun.
  • People net new people so then friendships were developed.
  • When people were talking they could come up with a mutiny.
  • It wouldn't have started the Industrial Revolution and we wouldn't be where we are now.


  • They used children as young as 4 years old as laborers.
  • They barely paid anything to the laborers.
  • There was only one day where people could get a break, as well as the days being long.
  • Most of the time, only the father got the money because he was the head of the family, so people would just be paying the father instead of all the people who are working getting paid.
  • It went into depression afterwards.
  • Many lives were taken.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Being a Manager in a Factory

*What was the difference between day one of the factory than day two?
I know that I was the only person who was manager but, my job is to discuss the difference between day 1 and day 2. I think a major difference with me was that I was able to experience what it was like to be a manager in a factory. I thought it was really stressful. For one thing, if our class didn't win, it would be a little bit of points deducted from my grade in Humanities but, it was stressful because I am supposed to keep them going but, at the same time I am supposed to support them, make them feel good. I had to keep yelling out times and I was running all around driving myself crazy and dizzy. I think that was the biggest difference for me. And then another difference would be that we are not just making one toy in 40 minutes but making a TON of toys in 1 hour. So that was a pretty difficult thing. Putting everything together, coloring it, and in all trying to get them all to look like the original. I know that a lot of people think that being manager means that you can just slack off and boss people around. BUT it is so much harder. You have all this weight put on your shoulders. You have to keep them going otherwise it's your head on the chopping board.

Monday, August 27, 2007

What was my Experience with Making a Toy?

*What was my experience with making a toy?
- Well at first when I was given the sheet and told to be creative. I was like, I don't think I am going to do very well on this. But itwas actually funny when I started to do it. Iw as so into it. Time passed by like I couldn't imagine. It was actually pretty cool because I have never been put into that position where I had to amke something out of only the supplies we were given.Usually it's use whatever you want to make this. I thought that in all, it was exilarating, actually. You don't normallly get to feel what it was like back then, having to make everything from hand. It's pretty fun. But, I did learn that it probably wasn't so fun back then, because that was all you got to do. And, so , in all, I think that this experience was prtty cool and I wish that I get to do it sometime soon again.
By the way, I made this thing that everyone is calling Kurby and it looks like an evil maniac. I wonder if it will win.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Roller Coaster Finatic

A roller coaster is something I think everyone should experience. Personally, I am a little scared of roller costers. But, I always like to get on the roller coaster because then you have no way of turning back, and eventually, you end up liking the ride you went on. So let me tell you about roller coasters. Well, honestly, there are good and bad things abou them.
When you are on a roller coaster you hear an exilerating thunderous sound from the roller coaster on its tracks. And then there is the swooshing of the wind against your face. And finally, the whirling of a roller coaster when you are going on one that travels upside-down and lopsided. Next, there is the funky feeling of your touch. For example, the impressively strong hold from the handlebar with your hands. In addition to the handlebars, the lapbar suffocates you but, fortunatley it keeps you safe. That's the thing that's good about theme parks; the safety. Another thing that you can feel on the roller coaster is your heart pumping right out of your chest and storming back in. Next is the, well, not-so-happy smell. You MAY smell the sickening smell of cotton candy vomit but, don't get me wrong, the sotton candy there is still dellicious. Then, there is the putrid smell of urine, probably from the person in front or behind you wet his pants. You really don't want the person next to you to go in your seat but, most of the time you can depend on that not happening. But, there is a good smell of roller coasters : the refreshing scent of nature. Thirdly, there is the beautiful sights whe you are on the roller coaster. For example, the unbelievable view of the theme park. Next, there is the watering of your eyes from the rapid wind. Finally from the sight there is, your hair whipping yout face. And lastly, it's taste : the raw taste of bugs flying into your mouth. Next of the taste is the grinding of your teeth as you get scareder and scareder. And finally, out of everything, there is the plain, ordinary, taste of the wind as it makes you drool as slow as molasses drips and drops into a container.
So out of these details that I gave you, I am sure you would be able to figure out whether or not you will want to ride a roller coaster. I think they are pretty exilerating, so atleast trying one will be an accomplishment.

Quick Write Fruit Roll-Up

The fruit roll-up is like nothing you have ever imagined.The Sound of the wrapper is like the snowy signal on your TV when nothing comes up on the screen. It crackles when you wrinkle it between your fingers. The feel of the wrapper is slippery as you squeeze your hand around the wrapper. The wrapper, if you poke it, feels absolutely bubbly. But, as you open it, you would oass out by the absolute sight of the fruit roll-up. It's just a splash of color to your eyes, splashes and splashes of raindrops just like putting visine in. It looks like a beautiful sunset just starting. it is the most scrumptious thing I have ever tasted. As you take one lick, you are addicted. And finally, the lsat but not least, its taste. It is like nothing I have ever tasted. Well, the wrapper ic ould have imagined. it tastes like a plain wrapper. But, once I opened that wrapper, it ravished my picky taste. It was mountains and mountains of berries in my mouth. My mouth watered as I took another lick. It was as if the people who make the fruit roll-up had jumped into my mind and placed everything I like out of my life and put it into a snack.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Mother Necessity

What does Necessity is the Mother of Invention mean?
- I believe that the phrase means we need the inventions that people have come up with over the years. For example, the TV. I know a lot of people think the Tv is a useless piece of junk, just rotting kids' brains, but I say that even though it may take kids from their homework and what not, the television does have educational news. Like, say, Animal Planet. Kids watch it a lot, and it gives kids the chance to see animals in their natural habitat but, at the same time it teaches them something. So, the television may have channels to rot your kids' brain but, remember that there are channels that are educational.
-Another example would be the lightbulb. When Tomas Edison came up with the lightbulb, we were able to see. Seeing IS a necessity and I honetly don't know how we were able to get around without seeing. But, remember that Tomas Edison only came up with the lightbulb, Benjamin Franklin came up with electricity.
-And finally, the airplane, the Wright Brothers. I think that the airplane is a necessity because it lets you travel. It lets children see the world and experience new things. As wells as the airplane, we have the boat which lets us do so many things. For example, the Statue of Liberty. You wouldn't be able to see that without the ferry to take you around it. And, don't forget.I think that it is called MOTHER because a lot of things come from the mother. And I t hink most mothers are caring and nurturing, so that's why I think it is called Necessity is the Mother of Invention.
-Pictures from...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

What Kind Of Learner Am I?

*How do you learn best? Visually (watching videos or reading), Auditory (listening to lectures or discussions), Kinesthetic (simulations or making or doing something). What can Mr. Coyle do help you learn most effectively in our classroom?
- I learn best as a visual AND Kinesthetic learner. For Visually, I LOVE watching movies but, I don't especially like reading. I don't like to read a book unless it's somewhat mystery or a series Series for me let me know that I will be able to read more of the kind of books that I like once I am finished with it and I can enjoy more of it. I love reading into a book though. Seeing and imagining the scenes in my head. And you can't even imagine how much I love watching movies. If I have nothing else to do, it's BAM let's watch a movie. So that's partially why I think I am a visual learner. But, I am also a Kinesthetic learner because, especially in Science, I love to get up and move around to really know what it feels like to do the actual thing. You can't just put a piece of paper in front of my face and expect me to know everything just by reading it. And making things help me learn a lot better as well because then I know the structure of the object I am making. I am not so much of an auditory learner because I cannot be sat down and listen to something. I can never take anything in when I am in that position. But, class discussions and debates I can live with. Those kinds of things get hot and the discussion grows bigger and bigger.
- Mr. Coyle can help me learn better by doing more hands-on things in the classroom. Or by making power points. Power Points help me learn a little better than how I normally learn. But the main thing he can do to help me is to reduce the amount of lectures that he plans on giving. Lectures go through one ear and out the other in my world.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

My Gang

*The ”Gang” plays an important role in Ponyboy’s life. Describe who your “gang” is and why they are part of it.
- I believe my gang are the 'Greasers.' But it is not because of their hair, or the way they dress or because they carry a switchblade- I certaintly don't. So why do you think it is?
It's because they are who they are. They don't care who knows it. I don't care what people think of me as long as I have my friends/gang. They wear what they want and I do too. And, each person really has something to represent themselves. And I have something that represents me. I am whacky, crazy, and I love to goof off. The 'Greasers' love to play/kid around and they keep their hairstyles the way they are. They don't change something about them to earn respect from another gang or jyst outside human beings. I wouldn't change myself to make more friends. That would only leave me with none because I would have lied to my new friends about who I really am, and then my old friends will have thought that I am a totally new person. So changing yourself is just going to leave you with nothing and I think that is why the 'Greasers' like to be themselves.
I know that a main part of the 'Greasers' is their appearance, heck that's why they call themselves 'Greasers' but I know that they need to want to be a 'Greaser' in order to really be one. And I want to have friends and that means I need to be a friend. So I really do think that I am a 'Greaser' from the way I act like them.
But remeber, you don't have to look like somebody in order to be them or be friends with them. Ortherwise, you know almost everything about them and then it's just no fun. You need to be yourself which is why I am a 'Greaser' and proud to be one. But of course, I am not one in real life, just hypothetically.

Monday, August 13, 2007

First Week of School

*What were two highlights from the first week of school?
- One highlight from the first week of school was that on the first day I was able to try out each class so I knew if I wanted to be in that particular class or if I wanted to be in that level of the class.
- Another highlight was that I was near my friends this year in the locker situation. Last year I was downstairs but nobody was down there with me but, this year, since the eighth graders are in a particular place , we were all put together in the locker area. Not to mention the fact that this year I am at a middle locker. Last year I was shorter than I am now and I had a top locker.
*What was your first impression of Humanities?
- I thought that I was going to have a lot of fun this year. When I walked into the room I just felt this funky, free vibe and when I saw our teacher in the class, he was friendly and started out the year with something fun to do. Such as, reading the Outsiders as our first book. Though I do think that our teacher will be pushing us hard to get good results. I know he is enthusiastic about how you do your writings or assignments. It's not exactly a bad thing to be pushed hard, as long as we are not pushed to hard.
*What are two goals you have for this quarter in Humanities? (Remember a goal needs to be specific, realistic, and measurable)
-I hope that this quarter I can get off to a good start. I don't want to start off slacking or getting behind. I think that is a reasonable goal for this quarter because starting off badly can get you behind for maybe even a semester and then it might be a little late to start catching up on whole year of eighth grade in one semester.
-Another goal I would like to set is to get SO much better at poetry. I will tell you right now I am not the best person to ask about how you do something in poetry. So I have to learn the different types of poetry. But of course I can not remember all.