Monday, October 22, 2007


Leaders are (in my mind) people that are confident, understanding, they listen to the other people, they want to help as much as they can and they can relate to what the people are saying and they RESPECT. I would say that a leader that is not in our school would be someone like people's parents. They're able to listen to your problems and help you out and they will be there as much as they can for you and try to help solve your problem.

As to the people in our eighth grade, I think that the people who are leaders are people like Kiara, and partly myself. I think that because we do like to help people and we can be understanding when someone isn't well mentally or physically. We like to listen to the people that need listening. For example, when we had SAISA Swimming, we helped a girl named Baseye get over her fear of racing and she got first place and we congratulated her. But we were able to understand what was going on with her and then relate. During WOW, Kiara and I were able to guide the people through the string net thing and we were able to have people trust us. And we successfully got almost everybody through. And all my teachers last year told my parents (during parent - teacher conferences) that I was a born leader. So I think that being a leader means having people have confidence in you and you having confidence in yourself.


Ashwan said...

I agree with you about how a leader must not stop if someone has a problem and they will keep helping the person until the person does not have the problem anymore.

Hanna Yin said...

I agree with you. A leader should be confident,understanding and the other things you said. A leader should also be nice and friendly!And takes control of the situation.

Parents are kind of leaders, I never thought about that before, but now that you mention it, most parents are leaders.

I can't say for Kiara (since I don't know her that well) but for you, you are a leader. Like when we have to talk about somethings with our neighbor (you usually being my neighbor) take control of the situation, and talk (which is a good thing).