What does Necessity is the Mother of Invention mean?
- I believe that the phrase means we need the inventions that people have come up with over the years. For example, the TV. I know a lot of people think the Tv is a useless piece of junk, just rotting kids' brains, but I say that even though it may take kids from their homework and what not, the television does have educational news. Like, say, Animal Planet. Kids watch it a lot, and it gives kids the chance to see animals in their natural habitat but, at the same time it teaches them something. So, the television may have channels to rot your kids' brain but, remember that there are channels that are educational.
-Another example would be the lightbulb. When Tomas Edison came up with the lightbulb, we were able to see. Seeing IS a necessity and I honetly don't know how we were able to get around without seeing. But, remember that Tomas Edison only came up with the lightbulb, Benjamin Franklin came up with electricity.
-And finally, the airplane, the Wright Brothers. I think that the airplane is a necessity because it lets you travel. It lets children see the world and experience new things. As wells as the airplane, we have the boat which lets us do so many things. For example, the Statue of Liberty. You wouldn't be able to see that without the ferry to take you around it. And, don't forget.I think that it is called MOTHER because a lot of things come from the mother. And I t hink most mothers are caring and nurturing, so that's why I think it is called Necessity is the Mother of Invention.
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You write so much!! I totally agree with your opinions. I also agree with the kids and t.v idea. =]
I laso agree with cerys because a childs brain cannot be rotten when he watches TV. Good point!!
Also a lot of writing(good)
You guys barely write any comments, MAN!
I agree with what you wrote, all the inventions you listed are very useful and good.
What I don't agree with is that even though you do see very well with the lightbulb, you could still see without the lgithbulb with the help of fire, even thought the lightbulb is better.Just saying that we wouldn't be tottaly in the dark.
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