Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Summary of my Quarter 1 Goals

I had just a two goals to achieve this quarter but I think that I have achieved both of them.

One of them was to get off to a good start without being behind on anything.
That goal was definetley achieved because I was listening a lot in class so I knew what was happening and if there was any additional information that I needed to know that wasn't posted on the board for homework. And interms of this blog that I am supposed to keep up, I have done a good jpb of that becuase I used a checklist to make sure that everything was there and included everything that needed to be there. I was definetley caught up in everything I did and I know that I have achieved this goal very well.

My second goal was to get better at poetry but I did not achieve this particular goal because that wasn't one of our lessons in this quarter. I would have liked to get better at it, meaning writing it and being bale to understand the deeper meaning of it, but unfortunatley, I was not able to.