Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Introduction to Technology

  1. What is technology?
  2. How do you feel about the amount of and use of technology in schools?
  3. What are the 5 most and 5 least important technologies used today?

  • Technology is basically tools that helps us develop into the future. Technology in the new era is mostly electronics, however, technology doesn’t necessarily have to do only with electronics. Technology also helps people become more comfortable and get things done quicker.
  • I personally feel okay about technology in our school. Our school is very developed, because, honestly, I don’t really like to write on and on, but I do not mind typing on and on. So that really does help a lot. However, there’s that little thing called, malfunctioning. Whether the computer is being slow or won’t respond, that can not help in any way for somebody, especially not make it quicker.
  • The 5 Most Important to Me:
    1. Laptop
    2. Cell Phone
    3. Pencil/Pen/Eraser
    4. Camera
    5. iPod
  • The 5 Least Important to Me:
    1. Plastic Surgery
    2. That robotic vacuum cleaner
    3. McDonald’s toys
    4. Laser toys
    5. Mug Comfort Holder thing