Monday, March 17, 2008

End of Quarter 3 Feedback

Go back and review your goals for quarter three in humanities. These can be found in the January Archive of your BLOG in a posting titled,” End of Quarter 2 Feedback”. Evaluate how well you have achieved those goals. Include specific evidence from the quarter to validate your evaluation.
In addition to your evaluation please create three specific goals that you have for quarter four in humanities. Remember that a good goal is realistic, measurable and specific. List them at the end of this BLOG entry.Please title this entry: End of Quarter 3 Feedback

My Quarter 3 Goals:
I want to read 30 pages a day of my AR books.
I want to get atleast 25-30 points in AR.
I want to ba able to plan out everything I will do for UBD, so I dont get behind on ANYTHING!

For the first goal, I know, sadly, that I did not achieve this goal because at one point homework became too much and I wasn't able to stay up for too long. I would read a lot on the weekends to try and make up, but for the most part, I was not able to.

For the second goal, I also did not achieve that because I had planned out wen I was going to read a specific amount of pages, but since the due date for AR was shortened, I could not take the quiz, and I did not get 25-30 points.

And lastly, I think, so far, I have been able to keep up with UBD, I have already come up with my creatie expression and gone on the field trip for it, and for the Independent Investigation, I have already taken a class on how to make a bilingual brochure. So, for right now, I am handling UBD pretty well.

My New 3 Goals:

1. I want to, first of all, keep up with what I am doing with UBD. Keep looking at that calendar!!!

2. I would like to read more because I know that we will not have AR this quarter, but for me, I would like to read more than I ususally do, which is really not that much.

3. Lastly, I want all classwork to be finished as soon as possible. Nothing should be late or even hav to be excused. Also meaning I don't want to have a sick day, otherwise I am going to et behind on both my schoolwork and UBD.