Sunday, January 6, 2008

Quarter 3 Goals for Myself

Go back and review your goals for quarter two in humanities. These can be found in the October Archive of your BLOG in a posting titled,” End of Quarter 1 Feedback”. Evaluate how well you have achieved those goals. Include specific evidence from the quarter to validate your evaluation.

In addition to your evaluation please create three specific goals that you have for quarter two in humanities. Remember that a good goal is realistic, measurable and specific. List them at the end of this BLOG entry.

Well, one of my goals was to learn how to write a good research paper and I think I can say I learned how to do that because that was one of our studies in Humanities.

Another one of my goals was to read more. I like to procrastinate on reading and i achieved that because I was able to read the Da Vinci code in about two and a half weeks.

My last goal was to learn more about Imperialism because I basically knew nothing about it. And I did achieve that goal because, well I did a whole socartaic seminar on Globalization is cultural imperialism and i was able to debate all through that.

So I achieved all of the goals that I set for myself.

Now, Im setting my goals for quarter 3.

  1. I want to read 30 pages a day of my AR books.
  2. I want to get atleast 25-30 points in AR.
  3. I want to ba able to plan out everything I will do for UBD, so I dont get behind on ANYTHING!