Thursday, January 10, 2008

Great Powers Game Debrief

1q. Which country were you? How did it feel to build your empire? Which countries had the advantage at the start of the game? Why? How did you empire compare to other empires?

2q. In the long run was it more important to buy armies, navies, industries or colonies? Why?

3q. What did you do well? What would you have done differently?

4q. How successful were your alliances? Did they help or hurt you? Could they be trusted?

5q. What are three specific things you learned about conflict from this simulation?

  • 1a. I was the Austrian- Hungarian Empire. The countries that had the greater advantage in the beginning was USA, Great Britain and maybe France. Well I think they had the greater advantage because they are the bigger countries, and having the bigger countries they can do more and they have more power. My empire was actually pretty good compared to a couple of others. For example, Italy, it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. And Japan seems to be a pretty powerful country, yet it came in last place compared to my fourth place. But, I was nothing compared to the USA. But wen I went to war against him, I actually won.
  • 2a. I am really undecided on this question. I think it is pretty equal. If you want to get a lot of economic points in this game so you can buy more, than sure get industries and colonies, but if you are going to declare war, you should buy armies and navies. However, since there are a limited amount of colonies, you should get them in the beginning, especially before people have enough armies and navies to declare war against you. But, the down side of navies is that two of them only equal one navy, so I ended up not getting any.
  • 3a. I think something I did well was keeping treaties and then making treaties. I was able to declare war and then people would back me up so I could win and then I would give them their fair share. But something I cold've worked on would be managing the amount of economic points per year that I got, meaning how I used them. I think I bought too little armies and that's why I had to have so many alliances.
  • 4a. My alliances ended up helping me a lot. I went to war against a couple of countries, and they backed me up a lot. And I backed them up and I ended up getting a couple of industries out of it. So yes, they did help me out a lot. Well, Russia, Italy, Germany, I could trust, but when France broke their alliance with USA, I was a little nervous on if he would break our treaty. And then the Ottoman Empire I cold pretty much trust, but I still had a slight doubt about it.
  • 5a. One thing would be that conflict can happen all over the world, not just what you hear on television or what made it into history books. Secondly, there can be conflict in alliances. When France stopped the treaty with USA, USA got pretty upset and wanted to declare war against France. And thirdly, I learned that economic power and political power are not the same things. You can have one or the other or both. So you can use all your economic power to declare war and that shows that somebody is rich and powerful and BOOM, there's another historical war . So using your different powers is very resourceful when there's a war/conflict.


Hanna Yin said...
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Hanna Yin said...

I agree with you! The bigger countries had a greater advantage, since they had more money units to starts with. Even though I was Italy, and you are kind of insulting me, I agree that Italy and Japan could have done better. We should have made more money from the start.But yet again, we also needed armies. (well, Japan did buy industries and no armies, which was wrong since he lost everything, but enough of that for now.)I also agree with you about not trusting France after they broke alliance with USA.Since you never knew if they would do the same to us or not.
You also make a good point when you said that using your different powers is very resourceful when there's a war or conflict.Since they need money and they need
a good leader to win.Many countries have probably done this to win wars in the past.