Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Scramble of Africa

Getting the land that you want in Africa.

  • The strategy that I used was that I would put, little by little, green marks (for Portugal) so I could get the areas that I needed in a quick amount of time. I wanted to spread it out, even if it meant I only got to color in 8 squares at a time.
  • I knew that atleast one other team would want the same land that I wanted, so I had to act fast and atleast get a little of what I needed. And I also knew that the countries that had more rolls to use would quickly spread all about.
  • I think that Great Britain won, not because they had the most land, but because they got a lot of land on coasts. Coasts have the most resources.
  • I think that the Netherlands lost, once again, not because they had the least amount of land, but because they were very near inwards of Africa, so you can't get much there.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Feedback on MR. HELP

The five themes of geography are...

  • Movement- ideas, people and transportation.
  • Region- a group of locations that have something in common.
  • HE human environmental interaction- the effect that people have on the environment and vice versa
  • Location- the latitude and longitude, the country you're in, the city...
  • Place- the things that make that place unique/special.
The five themes of Geography in THE OTHER SIDE OF TRUTH are...
  • Movement- Sade and Femi move from Nigeria to London and Mariam from Somalia to London. pg. 19.
  • Region-
  • HE human environmental interaction- airplanes that Sade, Femi, etc use to get from Nigeria to London have a negative effect on the environment. And other transportation. pg. 43
  • Location- Lagos, Nigeria and London, England. pg. 61 and pg. 40
  • Place- fish and chips pg. 193

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Feedback on the Cartoon

The main visual elements of the cartoon are the ten legs sticking in every which-way direction. Another main visual element would be the sign of England on the person's neck. And don't forget that he's also holding names of countries.
The issue that this cartoon is about is England taking over other countries (Imperialism). They have their hands on the countries and will be able to do what they want with the countries since they are in control.
The cartoonist could be thinking that England has too much power over too many countries. Maybe he's saying that people need to take a stand and help their country. And possibly saying that, since he drew a somewhat of a smile on the person's face, that England is wanting to get as many countries as it can in their hands. They're planning to do whatever it takes to get there.
I feel that this is what the author thinks because there is a smile on the person's face, the person needs more hands to put on countries because he's using the tentacles by his face; he's trying to take over more countries, and that it looks like he has a long way to go to get all the countries where he wants them so people still have time to take a stand.
The cartoonist could have drawn more tentacles flying in the air and the person's face looking for another country to grab. The cartoonist also could have drawn a thought or speech bubble to indicate what the thoughts of England are.
Finally I will use C.R.A.P. The cartoon has pretty good contrast overall between the red and green but more bright colors really have done wonders for it. Of course you can see that there is repetition between the number of legs and the countries. if you cut the picture down the middle both ways, the alignment is well done. An eye on each side and the head above the line. Lastly, proximity. All the countries are well done, drawn in a circle around the person as the base. However, the countries that are next to each other are not next to each other in the cartoon.